May I ask how to buy the software? Is there a s/w agent resident in Taiwan?
Answer by
Alex Urbach
You can buy the product from the official website. The application costs $495. However, to buy it in your country, a contact with the local sales representative needs to be established. You can use the following info to reach them:
How to convert structure drawn in ISIS draw to MOL file?
Answer by
Julia Bocchetta
The procedure to convert an ISIS draw to MOL file is extremely easy. First draw the molecule in ISIS and then go to Edit > Select All. With everything selected go to File > Export > Molfile and save the file with the name you named the structure file. It should be something like: example.mol while the example is the name of the structure drawn.
Once the operation is closed, you can close ISIS Draw.
May I ask how to buy the software? Is there a s/w agent resident in Taiwan?
You can buy the product from the official website. The application costs $495. However, to buy it in your country, a contact with the local sales representative needs to be established. You can use the following info to reach them:
Australia/New Zealand: [email protected]
China: [email protected]
Europe: [email protected]
Japan: [email protected]
Korea: [email protected]
Taiwan: [email protected]
Other: [email protected]
How to convert structure drawn in ISIS draw to MOL file?
The procedure to convert an ISIS draw to MOL file is extremely easy. First draw the molecule in ISIS and then go to Edit > Select All. With everything selected go to File > Export > Molfile and save the file with the name you named the structure file. It should be something like: example.mol while the example is the name of the structure drawn.
Once the operation is closed, you can close ISIS Draw.